Presidency University

Department of Economics


BSS in Economics - 120 Credits
MSS in Economics - 30 Credits


Department of Economics

The Department of Economics at Presidency University is steadfast in its mission to offer a caliber of education in economics and financial economics that stands as a beacon for nurturing the leaders of tomorrow in industry, government, and civil society. Our faithful commitment is to provide a comprehensive curriculum that not only imparts profound knowledge of economic principles but also facilitates their practical application in the real world.

To achieve this, we employ innovative teaching methodologies, constantly seeking ways to enhance and improve the learning experience. Our educational approach is designed to cultivate critical thinking, hone analytical skills, and instill ethical values in our students. Our mission extends well beyond the pursuit of academic excellence; it is rooted in the aspiration to empower graduates to make meaningful contributions to society, address complex economic challenges, and drive positive transformation in the global community.


At the core of our vision lies an unwavering dedication to delivering top-tier education. Within the Department of Economics, our esteemed faculty members are driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, characterized by their firm commitment to ongoing professional growth. They strive to consistently occupy the leading edge of economic knowledge and teaching methodologies, ensuring that our students benefit from the very best in education.

With a steadfast dedication to high-caliber scholarship, our mission is clear: to furnish our students with an education that is not only enriching but transformative. We aspire to create a dynamic and intellectually stimulating learning environment that empowers our students to excel and evolve.

About the department

History of the Department of Economics, Presidency University

The Department of Economics at Presidency University embarked on its academic journey in January 2023, marking a significant milestone in the university's commitment to offering a robust education in the social sciences. This department was established with the vision of providing a comprehensive and rigorous understanding of economic principles and their applications within the broader context of societal issues.

Bachelor of Social Science (B.S.S) in Economics

The Bachelor of Social Science in Economics is an engaging undergraduate degree program designed to equip students with a foundational understanding of economic theories and principles. The program emphasizes the development of analytical and critical thinking skills, enabling students to dissect economic issues, evaluate policies, and assess their societal impacts effectively.

Curriculum Overview:

  • Core Subjects: The curriculum covers a wide range of core subjects, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, development economics, international economics, public finance, and economic history.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: To offer a well-rounded perspective on societal dynamics, students are encouraged to explore courses from complementary disciplines such as political science, sociology, and statistics.
  • Practical Experience: The program actively encourages students to participate in research projects and internships, providing them with valuable hands-on experience to complement their academic learning and hone their practical skills.
  • Master of Social Science (M.S.S) in Economics

The Master of Social Science in Economics is a prestigious postgraduate degree program designed to build upon the foundational knowledge acquired during undergraduate studies. This advanced program immerses students in a deep exploration of economic theories, rigorous research methodologies, and specialized fields within economics.

Curriculum Highlights:

  • Advanced Subjects: The curriculum includes in-depth studies in advanced subjects such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, game theory, labor economics, industrial organization, and monetary economics.
  • Elective Flexibility: Students are afforded the flexibility to select elective courses that align with their personal interests and career aspirations, allowing them to tailor their academic journey.
  • Research Focus: The program culminates in the completion of a comprehensive research thesis or project, providing students with the opportunity to independently investigate a specific area of economics and make a meaningful contribution to the field.Top of Form

 Key Achievements of the Department of Economics, Presidency University

Since its inception in January 2023, the Department of Economics at Presidency University has swiftly made significant strides in various domains, establishing itself as a dynamic and forward-thinking academic entity. Here are some key achievements that highlight the department's progress and impact:

1. Launch of Comprehensive Academic Programs

  • B.S.S in Economics: Successfully introduced a robust undergraduate program designed to provide a broad understanding of economic principles within societal contexts, receiving high enrollment numbers in its inaugural year.
  • M.S.S in Economics: Rolled out an advanced postgraduate program aimed at cultivating sophisticated analytical and research skills, attracting students with strong academic backgrounds.
  • 2. Development of a Rigorous Curriculum
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Implemented a curriculum that integrates courses from complementary disciplines such as political science, sociology, and statistics, offering students a well-rounded educational experience.
  • Research and Internship Opportunities: Established partnerships with various research institutions and industries, enabling students to gain practical experience through internships and research projects.
  • 3. Faculty Excellence
  • Recruitment of Distinguished Faculty: Attracted a diverse and highly qualified faculty team with expertise in various economic fields, contributing to a rich learning environment and high-quality instruction.
  • Faculty Publications and Research: Faculty members have published research in prestigious journals and presented at notable conferences, enhancing the department's academic reputation.
  • 4. Student Achievements and Engagement
  • Student Research Projects: Encouraged and supported students in conducting independent research projects, with several students presenting their work at national and international conferences.
  • Academic Awards and Scholarships: Numerous students have received academic awards and scholarships in recognition of their outstanding performance and potential in the field of economics.

 5. Community and Industry Engagement

  • Public Lectures and Seminars: Organized a series of public lectures and seminars featuring renowned economists and industry experts, fostering a culture of continuous learning and engagement with contemporary economic issues.
  • Collaborative Projects: Initiated collaborative projects with government bodies, NGOs, and private sector organizations, contributing to policy discussions and community development efforts.
  • 6. State-of-the-Art Facilities
  • Modern Learning Environment: Equipped the department with state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced econometrics labs and comprehensive library resources, providing students and faculty with the tools necessary for cutting-edge research and learning.

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